Cancellation Policy - Princess Cruises

Effective with new bookings made on or after Mar 4, 2024, our 100% Cancellation Fee policy will shift to 30 days prior to sail date, as the current policy of 14-days prior to sail date will be discontinued. All existing bookings will follow the outgoing policy.

This change simplifies our policy as there will only be two cancellation schedules, shown below. It's important to note that voyages of five days or less will now have a final payment due date of 90 days, rather than 75 days prior to sail.

Sailings 1 to 24 days (including World Cruise Segments)
Days prior to Cruise or Land Package Departure Cancellation Fee
90 days or more None (or NRD)
75 to 89 days 25% of Total Charges
61 to 74 days 50% of Total Charges
31 to 60 days 75% of Total Charges
within 30 days 100% of Total Charges
Sailings 25+ days (including World Cruise Segments)
Days prior to Cruise or Land Package Departure Cancellation Fee
120 days or more None (or NRD)
113 to 119 days Deposit (30% of World Cruise fare)
61 to 112 days 50% of Total Charges
60 days or less 100% of Total Charges

Groups: New group contracts will be set up with the new policy effective Mar 4, 2024. Existing group contracts will remain under our current cancellation policy. In addition, new group contracts will have a 90-day group amenity recall date.