This year is the anniversary of countless influential U.S. Supreme Court decisions. March 3 marked 100 years since the court established the clear and present danger test for protected speech. In February, we celebrated the 50th anniversary of Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District. In June 30 years ago, the court ruled that burning a flag is protected expressive conduct. For whatever reason, years ending in nine correlate to landmark free speech and free press decisions.
Now it’s 2019, the perfect year for the Law Day theme “Free Speech, Free Press, Free Society.” In honor of the occasion, we created a gallery of nine monumental Supreme Court cases on free speech and free press—all from years ending in the number nine. As you celebrate the rule of law May 1, ponder this, as well: What could 2019 bring for free speech and free press?
Attribution: Captions by Elissa Gray, graphics by Sara Wadford