Biotechnology refers to the use of living organisms, or their products, to modify human health and the environment. Biotechnology is becoming an increasingly important part of product development in a variety of sectors, with businesses using biotech applications to address many social and economic issues, including human health, food security and alternative fuels. Several companies have reached commercial readiness, with robust product pipelines and the support of international partners improving their attractiveness to investors. While human therapeutics companies continue to dominate the industry, agricultural technology and food technology companies are gaining momentum. New funding sources are helping to drive industry growth.
Biotechnology involves applying science and technology to living organisms, and parts, products and models, to alter living or non-living materials to produce knowledge and biotechnology products and services. The industry includes biotechnology research and development, licensing, product manufacturing and product wholesaling. Companies that focus on medical devices are not included in the industry.
This report covers the scope, size, disposition and growth of the industry including the key sensitivities and success factors. Also included are five year industry forecasts, growth rates and an analysis of the industry key players and their market shares.
Industry Definition
Main Activities
Similar Industries
Additional Resources
Executive Summary
Key External Drivers
Current Performance
Industry Outlook
Industry Life Cycle
Supply Chain
Products & Services
Demand Determinants
Major Markets
International Trade
Business Locations
Market Share Concentration
Key Success Factors
Cost Structure Benchmarks
Basis of Competition
Barriers to Entry
Industry Globalization
Capital Intensity
Technology & Systems
Revenue Volatility
Regulation & Policy
Industry Assistance
Industry Data
Annual Change
Key Ratios