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Citi Benefits Handbook Claims and Appeals for the Cigna Dental HMO

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Citi Benefits Handbook Claims and Appeals for the Cigna Dental HMO

If you have a concern about your dental office or the Cigna Dental HMO, call 1 (800) Cigna24 (1 (800) 244-6224) and explain your concern to a Customer Service representative. You can also express that concern to Cigna Dental in writing. Most matters can be resolved with the initial telephone call. If more time is needed to review or investigate your concern, Cigna Dental will respond to you as soon as possible, usually by the end of the next business day, but in any case within 30 days.

If you are not satisfied with the results of a coverage decision, you may start the appeals procedure.

Cigna Dental has a two-step appeals procedure for coverage decisions. To initiate an appeal, you must submit a request in writing to the Cigna Dental HMO within one year from the date of the initial Cigna Dental decision. You should state the reason why you believe your request should be approved and include any information supporting your request. If you are unable or choose not to write, you can ask Customer Service to register your appeal by calling 1 (800) Cigna24 (1 (800) 244-6224).

Important COVID-19-Related Changes that Extend Claims and Appeals Deadlines

On May 4, 2020, the U.S. Departments of Labor and the Treasury (the Agencies) issued guidance that temporarily extends the deadlines in place for certain benefit changes and processes associated with election, notification, payment and claims/appeals in connection with COVID-19, which was deemed a national emergency on March 1, 2020 (the National Emergency). To protect individuals from losing benefits, the Agencies extended deadlines that might have been missed during the National Emergency, which ended on May 11, 2023. The temporary extension of the deadlines expired on July 10, 2023, 60 days after the end of the National Emergency.

If your deadline to file a claim or appeal occurred during the National Emergency (March 1, 2020 - May 11, 2023) and you have exceeded the deadlines outlined in your plan documents or denial notification, you may have additional time to submit your claim or appeal.

For more information, contact your dental plan Claims Administrator to obtain a claims appeal form. For claims regarding eligibility or enrollment in a plan, call the Citi Benefits Center through ConnectOne at 1 (800) 881-3938 . See the For More Information section for detailed instructions, including TDD and international assistance.

Cigna Dental HMO First-Level Appeal

Your first-level appeal will be considered and the resolution made by someone not involved in the initial decision or occurrence. Issues involving dental necessity or clinical appropriateness will be considered by a dental professional.

If your appeal concerns a denied precertification, Cigna Dental will respond with a decision within 15 calendar days after your appeal is received. For appeals concerning all other coverage issues, Cigna Dental will respond with a decision within 30 calendar days after your request is received. If Cigna Dental needs more information to make your first-level appeal decision, it will notify you in writing to request an extension of up to 15 calendar days and to specify any additional information needed to complete the review.

If you are not satisfied with the decision, you may request a level-two appeal. Cigna Dental HMO Second-Level Appeal

To initiate a second-level appeal, follow the same process required for a first-level appeal. Your second-level appeal will be reviewed and a decision made by someone not involved in the first-level appeal. For appeals involving dental necessity or clinical appropriateness, the decision will be made by a dentist. If specialty care is in dispute, the appeal will be conducted by a dentist in the same or similar specialty as the care under review. The second-level appeal process does not apply to resolutions made solely on the basis that the Plan does not provide benefits for the service performed or requested.

The review will be completed within 30 calendar days. If Cigna Dental needs more information to complete the appeal, it will notify you in writing to request an extension of up to 15 calendar days and to specify any additional information needed to complete the review. The decision will include the specific contractual or clinical reasons for the decision, as applicable.

Cigna Dental HMO Expedited Appeal

You may request that the complaint or appeal resolution be expedited if the time frames under the above process would seriously jeopardize your life, health or ability to regain the dental functionality that existed prior to the onset of your current condition. A dental professional, in consultation with the treating dentist, will decide if an expedited review is necessary. When a review is expedited, the Plan will respond orally with a decision within 72 hours, followed up in writing.

If you do not agree with the Final Internal Adverse Benefit Determination on review, you have the right to bring a civil action under Section 502(a) of ERISA, provided that you file any lawsuit or similar enforcement proceeding, commenced in any forum, within 12 consecutive months after the date of receiving a final determination on review of your claim or, if earlier, within two years from the date on which you were aware, or should have been aware, of the claim at issue in the suit.

The two-year limitation shall be increased by any time a claim or appeal on the issue is under consideration by the appropriate fiduciary. If any different period to begin suit is specified in an insurance contract forming part of the Plans or any shorter period is specified in the rules of the Claims Administrator, that period will apply to proceedings against the insurer or with regard to the ruling of that Claims Administrator, respectively.

Cigna Dental HMO Independent Review

The independent review procedure is a voluntary program arranged by Cigna Dental and is not available in all areas. Call Cigna Dental at 1 (800) Cigna24 (1 (800) 244-6224) for details.

Appeals to the State

You have the right to contact your state's Department of Insurance or Department of Health for assistance at any time.

Cigna Dental will not cancel or refuse to renew coverage because you or your dependent has filed a complaint or appealed a decision made by Cigna Dental. You have the right to file suit in a court of law for any claim involving the professional treatment performed by a dentist.