Broadcasting services act captioning

(1) Each commercial television broadcasting licensee, and each national broadcaster, must provide a captioning service for:

(a) television programs transmitted during designated viewing hours; and

(b) television news or current affairs programs transmitted outside designated viewing hours.

Note: For compliance by licensees, see clause 7 of Schedule 2.

(a) a commercial television broadcasting licence is in force; and

(b) the licence was not allocated under section 38C; and

(d) the licensee provides in the licence area another service that is:

subsection (1) does not require the provision of a captioning service for a television program transmitted on:

(e) the SDTV multi - channelled commercial television broadcasting service mentioned in subparagraph (d)(i) of this subsection; or

unless the program has been previously transmitted on the primary commercial television broadcasting service.

(a) a commercial television broadcasting licence is allocated under section 38C; and

subsection (1) does not require the provision of a captioning service for a television program transmitted on:

unless the program has been previously transmitted on the primary commercial television broadcasting service.

(b) the service is not provided with the use of a satellite;

subsection (1) does not require the provision of a captioning service for a television program transmitted on:

(c) a SDTV multi - channelled national television broadcasting service provided by the national broadcaster otherwise than with the use of a satellite; or

(d) a HDTV multi - channelled national television broadcasting service provided by the national broadcaster otherwise than with the use of a satellite;

unless the television program was previously transmitted by the national broadcaster on the primary national television broadcasting service provided by the national broadcaster.

(a) a national broadcaster provides a national television broadcasting service in a satellite delivery area; and

(b) the service is provided with the use of a satellite;

subsection (1) does not require the provision of a captioning service for a television program transmitted on:

(c) a SDTV multi - channelled national television broadcasting service provided by the national broadcaster with the use of a satellite; or

(d) a HDTV multi - channelled national television broadcasting service provided by the national broadcaster with the use of a satellite;

unless the television program has been previously transmitted by the national broadcaster on the broadcaster's primary satellite national television broadcasting service.

(8) Subsection (1) does not require the provision of a captioning service:

(a) by the licensee of a commercial television broadcasting licence that was allocated under subsection 40(1); and

(i) the first year of operation of the licence; or

(ii) if the ACMA, by written notice given to the licensee, allows a longer period--that longer period.

Note 1: For exemption orders, see section 130ZUA.

Note 2: For target reduction orders, see section 130ZUA.