Consumer Directed Community Supports (CDCS) is a support option for both children and adults with disabilities and seniors who have an approved waiver or Alternative Care program. This option offers participants a person centered approach allowing more flexibility and responsibility for directing and tailoring their own services and supports, including hiring and managing their staff.
The participant directs their resource allocation within the established state, federal, and county approved parameters and guidelines.
The CDCS option places increased responsibility on the participant and their support team. The participant and their support team must document in the Community Support Plan (CSP) how CDCS will enable the participant to live an inclusive life in their community, build a practical network of support, and work on specific goals and outcomes based upon documented needs in the annual assessment.
For more information, watch a DHS video (about 25 minutes) or download the following documents:
In order to utilize this option, the participant must be able to manage their support, budget, and services within Anoka County guidelines.
Prior to beginning the Consumer Directed Community Support process, an individual or their guardian must attend an orientation. Orientations are offered once a month. Ask your case manager for the schedule and to register you.
The following individuals are NOT eligible for CDCS:
To determine eligibility for a waiver, contact our MnCHOICES Intake & Assessment team at
(763)324-1450 to schedule a MnCHOICES Assessment.
It is important that waiver participants who utilize the CDCS option understand what their rights and responsibilities are when using these services. Participants and/or their guardian are responsible for implementing and managing this self directed option.
Anoka County provides information about the CDCS option through the case manager, community informational sessions, and written information to educate participants about available service options, their responsibilities, and the service limitations. Once the participant is given their annual resource allocation amount, he/she MUST attend orientation to get this process started.
How is my budget determined?For the Community Alternative Care Waiver, Community Access for Disability Inclusion Waiver, Brain Injury Waiver, Elderly Waiver or Alternative Care Program, the budget amount is based annually on a formula using the most recent Long-Term Care Consultation/Reassessment or MnCHOICES assessment.
For the Developmental Disability waiver, the maximum annual resource amount is based annually on a formula using the most recent Developmental Disability full team screening or the MnCHOICES assessment.
How do I develop my plan?Once the resource amount is determined, families must complete their own person centered Community Support Plan (CSP) identifying how the funds will be used. The plan may contain a mix of paid and unpaid services, formal and informal supports and goods/items that address the assessed needs. The information needed in these plans is outlined in the mandatory orientation that the participant and/or the legal guardian/designee must attend.
Services and goods must be consistent with the following principles:
• Focused on the needs of the disabled person
• Meet health and safety standards
• Be fiscally responsible
If you receive waiver services, discuss with your case manager about registering for an upcoming CDCS orientation.
If you do not have a case manager or would like to see whether you are eligible for a waiver, contact the intake unit of Long Term Support Services at 763.323.6089. Ask to be assessed for a Home and Community Based waiver. The assessor determines whether you are eligible and assesses your needs, which then determines your state set maximum annual resource amount..